- Viestejä
- 36
Mielenkiintoisia valmentajien näkemyksiä pelistä... "In volleyball there are some people who know more than other people. If they follow instructions and do what they are told to do they will win." "We followed and everybody got discipline even we won the 1st setwith 5 players i would say 5 because Nadazdin was in a different world, somewhere. And we managed to get the whole game without him somehow." Ensin haukut sai Nazazdin sitten "souper douper setter" passari joka aloitti toisen erän sooloilemalla... "he is not allowed to do this under my couching" "maybe he doesnt see that i have little more experience than him" "those guys have to listen what i say... if i say to do this; do that, and then you get there. If it doesnt happen you can blame me. I am very happy to get the blame 'n not worried about that. I like to get responsibility." Himputin yksinkertaista. Kun vain tekisivät niinku valkku käskee eikä mitään omia juttuja niin pärjäisivät. Mutta onneks hän on valmis ottamaan vastuun jos pelaajat eivät tee kuten hän on käskenyt... Hurrikaanipelissä "very are highly payed but in the court they are not giving back what we pay them for" hakkuripelaajat onnettomat. Kun eivät löydä edes kenttää.